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vychova charakteru

Název:After you believe
Podnázev:why christian character matters
Autor:Wright, N. T.
Žánr:náboženství, křesťanství, protestantství, výchova charakteru
Jazyk: anglicky
Nakl. údaje:New York : HarperCollins
Rok vydání:2010
Rozsah:324 str.
eISBN:978-0-06-197839-5 (ebook)
Anotace:How do you develop a character suited for God’s Kingdom? Practice, practice, practice. That, in a nutshell, is the message of this volume on building Christian character by Wright, a prodigiously prolific Bible scholar and Anglican bishop of Durham, England. In arguing for this new vision of virtue, which is a vision of Jesus Christ himself, Wright carefully explores such classical exponents of character as Aristotle. He also acknowledges the existence of other notions of encouraging behavior-based rules, duty, or being true to oneself. Drawing on scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, Wright asserts that true transformation comes through the work of the Holy Spirit and through worship, mission, and following Jesus. As the habits of virtue grow, the church community will become the royal priesthood it is meant to be, anticipating (one of the author’s favorite words) God’s coming new world. A follow-up to Wright’s Simply Christian and Surprised by Hope, this solid volume will appeal to Christians who appreciate biblical interpretation that hews to tradition but incorporates an emphasis on contemporary social justice as an element of Christian virtue.
Cena:171,- Kč

Název:Charakterní jinoch
Autor:Tóth, Tihamér
Žánr:náboženství, křesťanství, katolictví, výchova charakteru
Jazyk: česky
Nakl. údaje:Vyšehrad : Praha
Rok vydání:1940
Rozsah:208 str.
Vazba:V8: Tuhá vazba knižní
Anotace:Knížka Charakterní mladík od biskupa Tihaméra Tótha je přesně ta kniha, která by měla provázet formaci každého mladého muže. Není mladík, který by při čtení této knihy nedocenil laskavé, dobře-míněné argumenty [či zdůvodnění] biskupa Tótha. Klíčovým tématem této knihy je myšlenka, že „katolická výchova charakteru nevyžaduje zničení vášní; ale naopak z nich chce učinit své spojence“ (str. 48). Jsi impulzivní? Ovládni svůj prchlivý hněv jako César a „počítej do dvaceti, než odpovíš“ (str. 21). Probouzíš se ve špatné náladě? Nevadí! „Přinuť se usmívat… tím svoje emoce do jisté míry přemůžeš“ (str. 82). Cítíš se v pokušení říct malou lež? Nikdy! „Bez ohledu na to, co děláš, zeptej se svého svědomí: Je tohle správné?“ (str. 122).
Cena:100,- Kč

Název:Charakterný mladík
Autor:Tóth, Tihamér
Žánr:náboženství, křesťanství, katolictví, výchova charakteru
Jazyk: slovensky
Nakl. údaje:Trnava : Spolok svätého Vojtecha
Rok vydání:1937
Rozsah:197 str.
Vazba:V2: Měkká vazba lepená (brožovaná)
Popis:otřepené okraje, jiný přebal
Anotace:Knížka Charakterní mladík od biskupa Tihaméra Tótha je přesně ta kniha, která by měla provázet formaci každého mladého muže. Není mladík, který by při čtení této knihy nedocenil laskavé, dobrě-míněné argumenty [či zdůvodnění] biskupa Tótha. Klíčovým tématem této knihy je myšlenka, že „katolická výchova charakteru nevyžaduje zničení vášní; ale naopak z nich chce učinit své spojence“ (str. 48). Jsi impulzivní? Ovládni svůj prchlivý hněv jako Cesar a „počítej do dvaceti, než odpovíš“ (str. 21). Probouzíš se ve špatné náladě? Nevadí! „Přinuť se usmívat… tím svoje emoce do jisté míry přemůžeš“ (str. 82). Cítíš se v pokušení říct malou lež? Nikdy! „Bez ohledu na to, co děláš, zeptej se svého svědomí: Je tohle správné?“ (str. 122).
Cena:200,- Kč

Název:Cultivating christian character
Autor:Zigarelli, Michael A.
Žánr:náboženství, křesťanství, protestantství, výchova charakteru
Jazyk: anglicky
Nakl. údaje:Colorado Springs : Purposeful Design Publications
Rok vydání:2005
Rozsah:126 str.
Anotace:It’s a timeless question: How do I become more like Jesus Christ? What can I do to develop authentic Christian character-to be patient and kind, to have joy and inner peace, to be gentle, compassionate, self-controlled, and forgiving? What can I do to really care about people and to love them as God does? How can I finally-and permanently- become a better person than I am today? On the basis of the experiences of more than 5,000 Christians around the world, and drawing from the finest thinking on the subject, Dr. Zigarelli uncovers the secrets to cultivating Christian character and to living the best life possible. Join him as he reveals the character strengths and weaknesses of Christians, from teenagers to senior citizens. Learn where character bottoms out for most Christians and what they can do to bounce back. Learn the specific character development needs of men and women, of new Christians, and of veterans of the faith. And perhaps most important, discover the pathways to becoming the person that God wants you to be, the person your family wants you to be, the person who, deep down, you’ve always wanted to be.
Cena:217,- Kč

Název:Cultivating heart and character
Podnázev:Educating for life’s most essential goals
Autor:Devine, Tony
Žánr:společenské vědy, pedagogika, výchova charakteru
Jazyk: anglicky
Nakl. údaje:Character Development Foundation
Rok vydání:2000
Rozsah:486 str.
eISBN:978-1-892056-15-3 (ebook)
Anotace:Foreword by Thomas Lickona. Cultivating Heart and Character is an indispensable guide for crafting a good life. Full of original ideas and practical strategies, it presents the stories, thoughts, and shared desires of educators, leaders, parents and students who are searching for an education that nourishes the heart as well as the intellect. In this comprehensive book, the authors recognize the desire to love and be loved as the fundamental force in the shaping of character. Building on this insight, they establish that the universal desire to live a meaningful life can be fulfilled through three common aspirations: attaining personal maturity, building and enjoying satisfying and long-lasting relationships, and making contributions to the larger community. These three life goals in turn become a framework for a balanced and holistic education in character and emotional intelligence. Chapters include discussions of marriage, family, and community as well as school-based character and life skills education. Cultivating Heart and Character offers fresh perspectives for everyone working to improve their own lives and make a difference in the lives of others.
Cena:173,- Kč

Název:The book of man
Podnázev:readings on the path to manhood
Autor:Bennett, William J.
Žánr:náboženství, křesťanství obecně, výchova charakteru
Jazyk: anglicky
Nakl. údaje:Nashville : Thomas Nelson
Rok vydání:2013
Rozsah:594 str.
eISBN:978-1-59555-271-6 (ebook)

Raising up men has never been easy, but today is seems particularly tough. The young and old need heroes to embody the eternal qualities of manhood: honor, duty, valor, and integrity. In The Book of Man, William J. Bennett points the way, offering a positive, encouraging, uplifting, realizable idea of manhood, redolent of history and human nature, and practical for contemporary life.

Using profiles, stories, letters, poems, essays, historical vignettes, and myths to bring his subject to life, The Book of Man defines what a man should be, how he should live, and to what he should aspire in several key areas of life: war, work, leisure, and more. „Whether we take up the sword, the plow, the ball, the gavel, our children, or our Bibles,“ says Bennett, „we must always do it like the men we are called to be.“ The Book of Man shows how.
Cena:73,- Kč

Název:The book of virtues
Podnázev:a treasury of great moral stories
Autor:Bennett, William J.
Žánr:náboženství, křesťanství, protestantství, výchova charakteru
Jazyk: anglicky
Nakl. údaje:Simon & Schuster
Rok vydání:1993
Rozsah:831 str.
Vazba:V8: Tuhá vazba knižní
Anotace:Responsibility. Courage. Compassion. Honesty. Friendship. Persistence. Faith. Everyone recognizes these traits as essentials of good character. In order for our children to develop such traits, we have to offer them examples of good and bad, right and wrong. And the best places to find them are in great works of literature and exemplary stories from history. William J. Bennett has collected hundreds of stories in The Book of Virtues, an instructive and inspiring anthology that will help children understand and develop character -- and help adults teach them. From the Bible to American history, from Greek mythology to English poetry, from fairy tales to modern fiction, these stories are a rich mine of moral literacy, a reliable moral reference point that will help anchor our children and ourselves in our culture, our history, and our traditions -- the sources of the ideals by which we wish to live our lives. Complete with instructive introductions and notes, The Book of Virtues is a book the whole family can read and enjoy -- and learn from -- together
Cena:357,- Kč

Název:The moral compass
Podnázev:stories for a life’s journey
Autor:Bennett, William J.
Žánr:náboženství, křesťanství, protestantství, výchova charakteru
Jazyk: anglicky
Nakl. údaje:Simon & Schuster
Rok vydání:1995
Rozsah:824 str.
Vazba:V8: Tuhá vazba knižní
Anotace:More than two million readers have used The Book of Virtues, the nationwide #1 bestseller by William J. Bennett, to help their families learn the essential traits of good character. The Moral Compass, the inspiring and instructive companion volume to The Book of Virtues, offers many more examples of good and bad, right and wrong, in great works from literature and in exemplary stories from history. Organized by the stages along life’s journey, these stories and poems serve as reference points on a moral compass, guiding the reader through the ethical and spiritual challenges along the pathway of life: leaving home, entering into marriage, easing the burdens of others, nurturing one’s children, and fulfilling the obligations of citizenship and leadership. Drawn from familiar Western history and mythology as well as a wide selection of tales and folklore from Asia, Africa, and Latin America, the stories in The Moral Compass are literary and evocative, designed to inspire as well as instruct. Complete with informative introductions and notes, The Moral Compass is an indispensable guide that will help family members meet the challenges of life at any age.
Cena:365,- Kč

Název:The young man of character
Podnázev:a guide to fortifying and rebuilding the natural foundation of manhood
Autor:Tóth, Tihamér
Žánr:náboženství, křesťanství, katolictví, výchova charakteru
Jazyk: anglicky
Nakl. údaje:Kansas City : Angelus Press
Rok vydání:2012
Rozsah:176 str.
eISBN:978-1-937843-35-9 (ebook)
Anotace:Few men are born to be conquerors. Few men are born to be leaders of countries. But to conquer the realm of the soul, and to gain the crown of manly character, this lofty task awaits each one of us. Bishop Tihamer Toth was born towards the end of the 19th Century in Hungary and was ordained a priest in 1911. Devoted to the salvation of souls, Bishop Toth wrote profusely, as well as delivering weekly lectures at the University of Budapest where he was a professor of homiletics and of pastoral theology. By the end of his short life (he would die in 1939, the same year as his episcopal consecration) he had contributed greatly to the spiritual life of the Hungarian people. This book is his reflection on the virtues necessary to be a truly virtuous young man. In The Young Man of Character, Bishop Toth seeks to create real, manly character in the souls of the young, and does so by examining, point by point, each aspect necessary to the development of that character. Far from something belonging to another century or generation, this insigthful work has perhaps never been more needed than in our own age, when manly virtue is attacked, and true chivalry is scorned.
Cena:167,- Kč

Název:Úvod do zbožného života
Autor:Saleský, František
Žánr:náboženství, křesťanství, katolictví, výchova charakteru
Jazyk: česky
Nakl. údaje:Praha : Zvon
Rok vydání:1990
Rozsah:246 str.
Anotace:Dílo sv. Františka Saleského (1567-1622) vyšlo francouzsky poprvé v r. 1608. První český překlad pochází z r. 1657 z pera jezuity Jiřího Konstantia. Od té doby vyšlo mnoho dalších překladů. Čím vysvětlit takový zájem o dílo staré zhruba čtyři století? Jistě tím, jak autor - moudrý biskup - zná člověka. Je podivuhodné, jak je dílo svěží: to vynikne právě tím, když si uvědomíme některé dobové podmíněnosti (pohled na svět, stavba mše sv., pohled na manželství) s neměnně platným pohledem na člověka uprostřed tohoto světa.
Cena:120,- Kč

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